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Zusammenfassung: This is an open access book. The position of Indonesia and most countries in IMF calculations, facing the same challenges. Each country requires the legal instruments of a good and reliable system of Government to guards against the worst possible economic turmoil. Good governance is an insistence of the constitution in the economic Article 33 paragraph (5), subsequently published Constitution Number: 30 Year of 2014 on Government Administration, contains 17 principles of a good governance. One of the important points of the principle is a government without corruption and manipulation of policy concepts in order to provide access to consolidation in politics and economy. Th...
Pokok-pokok bahasan dalam buku ini mencakup: 1) Epidemiologi HIV/AIDS; 2) Patofisiologi HIV/AIDS; 3) Diagnosis HIV/AIDS; 4) Tren Issue dan Perilaku yang Berisiko Tertular/Menularkan HIV/AIDS; 5) Asuhan Keperawatan HIV Berdasarkan Kebutuhan Bio, Psiko, Spiritual; 6) Ketepatan Menjelaskan Nutrisi Pasien HIV; 7) Prinsip Komunikasi Konseling Pada Klien Dengan HIV AIDS; 8) Manfaat Olahraga Bagi Pasien HIV/AIDS.
Apa bener kalo cinta itu selalu menyakitkan? Nggak juga, sih. Cinta diciptain Tuhan buat ngewarnain hidup kita. Yang seringkali manfaatin cinta buat nyakitin itu, ya manusianya, kita sendiri. Contohnya nih ya, kita jatuh cinta sama seseorang, terus kita baper (terbawa persaaan). Karena kita baper, kita jadi ngerasa di PHP (pemberi harapan palsu), t’rus patah hati. Sebenernya sih, mungkin aja dia nggak PHP-in kita, lah kitanya aja yang ke-baper-an dan berharap terlalu tinggi. Sakit hati, deh. Ujung-ujungnya, yang kita salahin cinta juga. Padahal, kata orang, cinta nggak pernah salah, kan. PINKLUV bukan buku anti-patah hati atau jadi jaminan kita bakal jadi ahli soal cinta. PINKLUV cuma shar...
This is an open access book. Held as part of the Universitas Gadjah Mada Annual Scientific Conferences (UASC 2022) series, the 3rd International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture (ICoSIA 2022) provides an ideal academic platform for researchers to present the latest research findings and describe emerging technologies and directions in agriculture. This year, the conference will take the theme “Digital transformation, technology, and its solution for agriculture” with seven symposia: Agricultural Big Data Analysis symposium; Agricultural Geography symposium; Land and Environmental Management symposium; Precision Nutrition Technology symposium; Smart and Precision Farming symposium; Smart Genetics Resource Management and Utilization symposium; and Sustainable Food Production symposium.
The proceedings of the Social and Humanities Research Symposium (SoRes) shares ideas, either research results or literature review, on islam, media and education in the digital era. Some recent issues consists of innovative education in the digital era, new media and journalsm, islamic education, human wellbeing, marketing and fintech in terms of islamic perspective, economic welfare, law and ethics. It is expected that the proceedings will give new insights to the knowledge and practice of social and humanities research. Therefore, such parties involved in social and humanities research as academics, practitioners, business leaders, and others will acquire benefits from the contents of the proceedings.
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Bismillahirahmanirrahim, buku ini kami susun sebagai wujud peduli kami dalam membahas teori anemia ibu hamil. Harapan kami, buku ini dapat dijadikan sumber wawasan dan referensi bagi para pembaca. Selain itu, buku ini sebagai wujud langkah pro-aktif kami dalam mencegah anemia pada ibu hamil, sehingga kualitas kesehatan wanita lebih baik di masa-masa berikutnya. Dalam penyusunan ini tentunya masih jauh dari kesempurnaan, oleh karena itu kami sebagai penulis mengucapkan mohon maaf bila ada kekurangan dalam penulisan buku ini. Tujuan kami semoga masyarakat Indonesia dan para pembaca bisa memahami mengenai anemia pada ibu hamil.