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Filsafat komunikasi mengkaji komunikasi Ciri-ciri, cara perolehan dan pemanfaatannya sebagai bagian filsafat yang mengkaji hakikat ilmu. Dalam berkehidupan sosial, etika komunikasi pun perlu diperhatikan. Etika sendiri adalah prinsip yang mengatur tingkah laku manusia. Dengan etika komunikasi, kita jadi memahami bagaimana bersikap saat menerima ataupun menyampaikan pesan kepada orang lain.
The 3rd International Conference of Business, Accounting, and Economics (ICBAE) 2022 continued the agenda to bring together researchers, academics, experts and professionals in examining selected themes by applying multidisciplinary approaches. This conference is the third intentional conference held by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto and it is a bi-annual agenda of this faculty. In 2022, this event will be held on 10-11 August at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto. The theme of the 3rd ICBAE UMP 2022 is “Innovation in Economic, Finance, Business, and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Economic Development”. It is expected that this event may offer a contribution for both academics and practitioners to conduct research related to Business, Accounting, and Economics Related Studies. Each contributed paper was refereed before being accepted for publication. The double-blind peer review was used in the paper selection.
"Once celebrated in the Western media as a shining example of a 'liberal' and 'tolerant' Islam, Indonesia since the end of the Soeharto regime (May 1998) has witnessed a variety of developments that bespeak a conservative turn in the country's Muslim politics. In this timely collection of original essays, Martin van Bruinessen, our most distinguished senior Western scholar of Indonesian Islam, and four leading Indonesian Muslim scholars explore and explain these developments. Each chapter examines recent trends from a strategic institutional perch: the Council of Indonesian Muslim scholars, the reformist Muhammadiyah, South Sulawesi's Committee for the Implementation of Islamic Shari'a, and ...
This is an open access book. We cordially invite you to submit your papers for the International Conference on Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (ICIMS) 2023, This conference is part of a conference program called International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity (ISETH) 2022 Organized by Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. This conference will be hosted online from Surakarta, Indonesia on 11–12 January 2023.
"This book is groundbreaking, at once highly original, courageous, and moving. It is sure to have a tremendous impact in Iranian studies, modern Middle East history, and the history of gender and sexuality."—Beth Baron, author of Egypt as a Woman "This is an extraordinary book. It rereads the story of Iranian modernity through the lens of gender and sexuality in ways that no other scholars have done."—Joan W. Scott, author of Gender and the Politics of History
Akuntansi dapat diartikan dengan berbagai cara, tergantung dari segi apa kita memandangnya. Tetapi pada umumnya kalangan praktisi dan para penulis lebih kerap mendefinisikan akuntansi itu dari segi kegiatan yang tercakup di dalamnya. Menurut “American Accounting Association”, pengertian akuntansi adalah proses mengidentifikasi, mengukur, dan melaporkan informasi ekonomi untuk memungkinkan dilakukannya penilaian dan pengambilan keputusan secara jelas dan tegas bagi pihak – pihak yang menggunakan informasi tersebut. Secara umum, akuntansi adalah suatu proses pengumpulan, pengidentifikasian pencatatan, dan pengikhtisaran data keuangan, serta laporan kepada pihak yang menggunakannya, yang kemudian ditafsir guna mengambil keputusan ekonomi.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Islamic Finance and Business (ICIFEB), held online in Jakarta, Indonesia, in July 19-20 2022. The 29 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 72 submissions. The papers reflect the conference main and sub-themes namely: Islamic business, Islamic finance, corporate social and environmental sustainability, digital business, marketing and investment.
The objective of this Symposium is to identify pathways to strengthen the science and policy interplay in fisheries production, management and trade, based on solid sustainability principles for improved global outcomes on the ground. Ultimately, the debates and conclusions of the symposium will prepare the way for the development of a new vision for the way we perceive and use capture fisheries, outlining how the sector can respond to the complex and rapidly changing challenges facing society, and support the planning process of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030).
This is an open access book. Building educational management and technology for an equitable global civilization requires a multifaceted approach, taking into account the various cultural, economic and political factors that shape the world. Building educational management and technology for an equitable global civilization requires a comprehensive and systemic approach that takes into account the needs and well-being of all individuals, communities and the environment. A just and equitable global civilization must be built on sustainable practices that guarantee the preservation of natural resources and the environment. A just civilization must ensure that all individuals have access to res...
The idea that science is a blueprint for research, and imagination gives research its life and purpose inspired this comprehensive explanation of research methodology. The authors' decades of experience have revealed that research is a craft requiring judgment and creativity, not simply memorization and application of the rules of science. Whether one is conducting an intimate one-on-one interview or a large-scale examination of an entire society, human imagination and scientific principles of inquiry go hand in hand. To that end, this book emphasizes scientific method, but also acknowledges its critics. It covers a wide variety of data-collection techniques, but presents them as reinforcing rather than competing with one another, thus striking a balance between qualitative and quantitative methods. It is designed for students and instructors who want a comprehensive treatment of a variety of research techniques with special emphasis on qualitative approaches.