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Pokok-pokok bahasan dalam buku ini mencakup: Hakikat Evaluasi Kurikulum; Perbandingan Kurikulum Perspektif Lama dan Baru; Asas, Komponen dan Pendekatan Kurikulum; Faktor-faktor Penyebab Perubahan Kurikulum; Teori Pendidikan dan Jenis Kurikulum; Tahapan dan Komponen dalam Pengembangan Kurikulum; Model dan Teknik Evaluasi Kurikulum.
Buku dengan judul “Perkembangan Peserta Didik” merupakan buku ajar yang disusun sebagai media pembelajaran, sumber referensi dan pedoman belajar bagi mahasiswa. Buku ini juga akan memberikan informasi secara lengkap mengenai materi apa saja yang akan mereka pelajari yang berasal dari berbagai sumber terpercaya yang berguna sebagai tambahan wawasan mengenai bab-bab yang dipelajari tersebut. Pokok-pokok bahasan dalam buku ini mencakup: Konsep dasar Psikologi perkembangan; Perkembangan dan pertumbuhan; Dimensi peserta didik; Kebutuhan peserta didik; Perkembangan Kognitif peserta didik (Masa Kanak-kanak, Masa Anak, Masa Remaja, dan Masa Dewasa.; Perkembangan Fisik Motorik Peserta didik (Masa Kanak-kanak, Masa Anak, Masa Remaja, dan Masa Dewasa); Perkembangan Emosi Peserta didik (Masa Kanak-kanak, Masa Anak, Masa Remaja, dan Masa Dewasa); Perkembangan Sosial Peserta didik (Masa Kanak-kanak, Masa Anak, Masa Remaja, dan Masa Dewasa); Perkembangan Moral Peserta didik (Masa Kanak-kanak, Masa Anak, Masa Remaja, dan Masa Dewasa); Kreativitas peserta didik; Optimasi perkembangan peserta didik.
Micro teaching merupakan suatu metode pelatihan pendidikan dalam skala kecil dan terbatas dalam rangka meningkatkan keterampilan mengajar dan mendidik. Sasaran utama pembelajaran mikro adalah para pendidik di bidang keguruan dan pengajaran. Secara umum, pembelajaran mikro bertujuan untuk memberi bekal keterampilan mengajar bagi para calon pendidik. Micro Teaching memberikan manfaat kepada pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam pelaksanaannya. Pada setiap satuan pendidikan, terdapat tiga pihak yang secara langsung menerima manfaatnya, yaitu calon pendidik, para pendidik, dan pembina tenaga kependidikan. Buku “Pengantar Micro Teaching” didalamnya dibahas beberapa bab mulai dari konsep Micro Teach...
may be related to another basic assumption in economic psychology: that the human capacity to process information from the environment is limited, and that the kind of optimal use of that information postulated in many economic theories is therefore not possible. The research methods used are mainly geared towards empirical research, and there mostly towards survey research and experimentation. Experimentation involves most often simulated behaviour in a laboratory, which allows the experimental manipulation of possible causes of behaviour which would not be possible in real life. Survey research is the most widely used instrument for investigating real-world behaviour, with all its caveats ...
Provides K-12 classroom teachers with strategies for measuring student mastery beyond paper and pencil tests and suggests ways to diagnose learning and inform interventions in an accountable and reliable way. Included are vignettes and visual elements to help illustrate and apply the concepts.
Approximately one million innocent Indonesians were killed by their fellow nationals, neighbours and kin at the height of an anti-communist campaign in the mid-1960s. This book investigates the profound political consequences of these mass killings in Indonesia upon public life, highlighting the historical specificities of the violence and comparable incidents of identity politics in more recent times. Mixing theory with empirically based analysis, the book examines how the spectre of communism and the trauma experienced in the latter half of the 1960s remain critical in understanding the dynamics of terror, coercion and consent today. Heryanto challenges the general belief that the periodic anti-communist witch-hunts of recent Indonesian history are largely a political tool used by a powerful military elite and authoritarian government. Despite the profound importance of the 1965-6 events it remains one of most difficult and sensitive topics for public discussion in Indonesia today. State Terrorism and Political Identity in Indonesia is one of the first books to fully discuss the mass killings, shedding new light on a largely unspoken and unknown part of Indonesia’s history.
Commitment is one of the most researched concepts in organizational behavior. This edited book in the SIOP Organizational Frontiers series, with contributions from many scholars, attempts to summarize current research and suggests new directions for studies on commitment in organizations. Commitment is linked to other concepts ie. satisfaction, involvement, motivation, and identification and is studied across cultural lines. Both the individual and group levels of building and maintaining commitment are discussed.
Over 800 entries examine the facts, evidence, and leading theories of a variety of unsolved murders, robberies, kidnappings, serial killings, disappearances, and other crimes.
The first book in a series exploring the future governance of Australia. It describes the implications for policy, institutions and citizenship of global and domestic pressures.
The word "critical" in the title of this collection has three meanings, all of which are relevant. One meaning, as applied to a situation or problem, is "at a point of crisis". A second meaning is "expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgments". A third is related to the verb "to critique", meaning "to analyze the merits and faults of". The authors contributing to this book pose challenging questions, from multiple perspectives, about the roles of mathematics in society and the implications for education. Traditional reasons for teaching mathematics include: preparing a new generation of mathematics researchers and a cadre of technically competent users of mathematics; training st...